Aug 25, 2010

Put another shrimp on the barbie!

So this isn't one of his funniest saying, but this time I actually have audio proof of his rantings. I have attached a script because its hard to hear and understand. Read along as you listen. You might need to turn your volume up, Brandon is soft spoken in his sleep.
To give you some background on the night, Brandon was super tired from working overtime and when his head hit the pillow, he was out. All of a sudden he started ranting about a ton of random things. Five minutes into the ranting I had this crazy idea to get my phone and record it. By the time I got my phone and loaded the video app he was ranting about chickens. That is where the recording begins.

Kristina: What about those chickens again?
Brandon: (mumble)
K: What? You don't like chickens?
B: I don't like chickens
K: Why not?
B: I love em
K: What?
B: I love em
K: You don't like chickens?
B: I said I like chickens
K: You just said you didn't like chickens
B: Your crazy
K: I'm not crazy.
B: Put another shrimp on the barbie
K: What?
B: Put another shrimp on the barbie!
K: (Giggles) I don't like shrimp
B: I don't care
K: Can we make burgers instead?
B: Grrrrrr. Yeah. Sure. Whatever.
K: What do you want?
B: I don't know
K: What are you in the mood for?
B: Caribou
K: Caribou? You hate coffee?
K: Not coffee.
B: Aminal
K: Animal. Do you like carbou?
B: Uh huh
K: I would have never known.

Aug 23, 2010

Can a guy get a soda?

Not quite sure what this is all about. All I know is that we were just talking about Mr. Pibb when we went to dinner the night before. It must have been stuck in his head.

Brandon: Who is she?
Kristina: I don't know. Who is she?
B: She's just a waitress.
K: What about her?
B: Not sure.
K: Is she any good?
B. NO! I had to back hand her just to get my Mr. Pibb.