Jul 19, 2010

She's a dirty girl

So, for the last 4 months, Brandon and I have been expecting our first little baby (we're so excited), and lets face it, I've been tired and lazy. Throughout the morning sickness and being sleepy all the time, Brandon has been the only one to keep up the house. Lately I have been feeling better and starting to pick up my end of the housework, but I still wake up this morning to this conversation:

Brandon: I didn't clean my room.
Kristina: Why not?
B: I didn't feel like it.
K: What is the mess?
B: A little of this, a little of that.
K: Whats the mess from?
B: My wife.
K: (Giggles)
B: She's a dirty girl.


  1. Man! I love it, you dirty girl!

  2. That is super funny! Congratulations!! I'm very happy for you and Brandon.

  3. hey Congrats!!! That is super funny Craig talks in his sleep too never like that though! ha!
