Nov 18, 2009

Open season

This one was brought up right after hunting season. Once again another hunting season had passed and I still didn't bag myself a deer. So this particular morning I walked into the bedroom to grab my phone when my husband decided to start talking about cows. Towards the end, I was laughing so hard that I couldnt continue the convorsation.

Brandon: You can't shoot the cows
Kristina: Why not?
B: They are not in season.
K: What if we need the meat?
B: Maybe you could shoot a deer for a change?
K: Cows are bigger targets, I want to shoot a cow.
B: Fine. But you have to carry it in.
K: They are too heavy. I can't handle it.
B: If you gut it out, it will make it more easy to drag in.
K: More easy huh? (Laughing as she left the room)

Oct 23, 2009

The Daily Billig Inspiration

This is the first Daily Billig that I can remember. Its what made me start talking back to my random husband while he slept so deeply. Enjoy!

Sometime in the past...

Brandon: Shake it!
Kristina: Shake what????
B: Just shake it!
K: Hunny, shake what?
B: Shake what your MAMA GAVE YA!